Thursday, December 4, 2008


Since the last class session is tonight - please take this time to collect all your contacts and messages, your interactions and postings, and all things otherwise ARGn, UF, ARGology, or Despoiler and send me the links and/or other form of comprehensive listing of your interactions this semester with the ever-growing ARG community.

It is 1/5 of your grade and DUE TO ME by 11:59(& 59 sec) WED night, DEC 10 - NO EXCEPTIONS!

Your blog postings (another 1/5) are self-explanatory and many of you are hovering at 80% because of it.

(GRAD STUDENTS: YOUR FINAL PAPER IS DUE at this same time on THURSDAY NIGHT, DEC 11! You can NOT PASS the class without it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Doc

There is some confusion from the grads (per tweets) about the due date for our final paper. Some of us had in our notes that it was due on the 11th (Thursday) and that you would be on campus during class time to accept them. Would you rather we email them to you? Do we need to have them in by Wed midnight or Thursday midnight?
